F0rtunoJan 291 min readGOTHIC 1: OTHELLO MODGothic 1: Othello Mod - Update 3.1 InformationWork is underway to improve the Swamp Camp, it should again get some improvements and a more open space.
F0rtunoDec 25, 20231 min readDESTINY SAGAGothic 2: Destiny Saga - InformaceOn the website, in the menu under G2 - Autotranslations, you can now find the item Fate Saga - Information. I will now upload the...
F0rtunoDec 25, 20231 min readNEWSWork on the web and informationI've been working on the site again for the last few days, here are the things that have been edited. On the web recently: Fixed errors...
F0rtunoDec 25, 20231 min readMOD IN DEVELOPMENTModification in development - Das Wappen (Insignie)In the Mods in Development section on the web or discord you can find all the information about this mod, so I'll just throw some basic...