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Gothic 1: Amplified

Version: in development -Modification type: enhancement

Mod info - story

Gothic I: Amplified is an attempt to rebuild and rebalance the entire world of Gothic I while retaining the unique and haunting atmosphere of the Mining Valley. The approach to the project is simple: try to change, improve, AMPLIFY every aspect of the game without touching the story, quests, NPCs, chapter organization, etc. In many ways, this modification is much more similar to L'Hiver or Gothic II: Revisioned than other popular modding additions for the first installment of the series. The production is also heavily inspired by the recent discoveries of the pre-release alpha and beta versions, and cleverly brings some of its ideas back into the world of Gothic.


  • Restoring the entire world of the Colony, keeping the original raw and austere style (few objects, water textures with improved mapping).

  • Rebalancing the entire economy, monster fights, etc.

  • New mechanics, improved quality of life.

  • Completely new systems for lock picking, pickpocketing, weapon crafting, teleportation and alchemy.

  • An underground goblin city, an abandoned mine, a work arena in the Old Camp, and more.

  • No more camps, NPCs, quests, story lines.

Detailed list of functions:

  • Balancing all weapons in the game and combat mechanics:

  • Introduce new weapon properties, such as armor penetration or effectiveness against certain enemies.

  • Damage of bows and crossbows will scale with dexterity.

  • Different types of arrows that can be changed during combat with a single button.

  • All monsters with much more aggressive artificial intelligence.

  • Magical spells scaling with mana and magic circle (with scrolls having different damage calculation patterns, making their use reasonable even when owning a rune of a certain spell).

  • Boss fights.

  • Most enemies vulnerable to a certain type of damage. Distinguishing between blunt and slashing damage. The idea is to always let the player have about two, maybe three types of damage. For example, a mage has spells and fiery and magical staffs dealing blunt damage, a ranger has a bow and a secondary blunt/slashing sword, a warrior has various weapons and a crossbow additionally.

  • Ability to bind more than one weapon to keys 1-9 if it's available. Up to one one-handed and two two-handed weapons.

  • Long-range processing of monsters, such as orcs with crossbows and skeletons with bows.

  • Economy improvements:

  • Adjust the value of each item.

  • It's no longer possible to simply buy the best weapon from traders.

  • Traders cannot be robbed after killing them.

  • Selling factor for items significantly reduced.

  • Some items, however, can be sold to Wolf (animal trophies) and Cipher (products from marsh grass).

  • Generally reduces the amount of ore, especially in late game.

  • Remove as many bugs as possible in the game (without introducing new ones, wink wink at the version whose name is based on the most common interactive item in the orc temple). Also, fix bugs that no mod has ever touched, such as bugged ambient voice lines of NPCs (SVM), random rain, sound cracking at certain music theme transitions, etc.

  • Ability to learn sprinting, as well as extend the stamina needed to perform it from items.

  • Completely new pickpocketing system, combining the best ideas from Gothic I and II.

  • Lockpicking system written from scratch, devoid of memorizing combinations and also without chance.

  • Quality of life improvements, such as torch on a button, practical bar on the left side with information (instead of being printed and scattered in the middle of the screen), sprint on a button, inventory item filtering by name, fixes item targeting (for picking up), marking read books, ability to get bonuses to all attributes from the beginning (separate threshold values of Knowledge Points) and more.

  • Overhauled teleportation system, with one item and later destination selection. Also added quite a few teleport scrolls at the beginning/middle of the game, reducing the amount of backtracking.

  • Abandoned mine.

  • Underground orc city, as well as removal of the "outer" orc city.

  • Revision of old locations, such as Old Monastery, Fog Tower, Old Citadel, preserving the original style.

  • New alchemy system with interactive animated screens.

  • Weapon crafting system, with weapon crafting skill levels and recipes for specific weapons.

  • Functioning arena in the Old Camp, with the ability to fight on it, as well as bet and watch daily battles.

  • Potions with timed effects.

  • New monsters, orcs with unique models.

  • Items with particle effects on them.

  • Additional lighting effects: for spellcasting, for particle effects, as well as optional darker night.

  • Full compatibility with DX11/LegacyAltRenderer.

ATTENTION - This mod has Updates!

  • This page describes only the basic information about the modification, if you want to learn about the latest changes, click on the button below where you can find all the news and updates for this mod, since the existence of this mod on our site.

©2023-2025 by F0rtuno.

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