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Gothic 2: Guilds

Version: Latest - Modification Type: Massive upgrade to original

Basic information

World: modified and added worlds

Story Expanded plot related to the world of Gothic

Modification language: Russian -> English

Soundtrack: Use from SnC or Returns 2

Playing time: ~100-150 hours

Author of modification: Alex1 & Guilds Team



Here is a modification that has been in the works since the fall of 2014 until the winter of 2023, a mod that has taken the best and most interesting things from the already closed Modostroy forum. Stories and resources from the mods "Resident", "SnC-Monster patch 2.0", "Mushroomers", "Blacksmith: Nameless Hero", "Relic Hunter mod", "Odyssey", "Herb", "Exodus", "Invasion", technodemostrace mod "Terisoya" were later added to Guildsbyla (courtesy of the developers). All the add-ons have merged into one overall storyline, revealing a more detailed story of the Nameless One's adventures on Khorinis and the neighboring islands.



Guilds 1.5 is not a compilation or assembly of the mentioned mods. The development team has implemented many new features in it:

  • Magical damage from runes, scaling based on intelligence and corresponding karma.

  • Transmutation skill, combining jewelry mods with attribute addition and other skills.

  • More complex economy and commodity recycling chains.

  • Crafting dialogues and new crafting tables.

  • The item attribute window displays more information about defense, damage, food effects, and alchemical effects.

  • All 30 locations have been changed. New items, buildings, quests, and hunting locations have been added.

  • Main storylines of the first chapters have been reworked.

  • Tasks added to pump up all skills the Main Hero can obtain (main and side).

  • Various new monsters added.

  • Flexible difficulty settings at the beginning of the game and many hidden bonuses throughout the game.

  • And much more.


  • This mod includes quests and content from the Returning 2.0 mod + other mods + its own content. You'll find maps, items, characters from Returning + a lot of new content, maps, creatures, NPCs, and more added. Essentially, it's another alternative to New Balance, but it doesn't resemble New Balance; this mod has gone its own way. This mod is also regularly updated and improved. You can install any Union plugins into it. The mod is as long as New Balance, so for now, I can only offer an enhanced auto-translation.

Download modification + Czech

Manually edited google translation
By F0rtuno
English version by F0rtuno - Gothic 2 Database.+ Google Translate 
Handwritten Russian
Original version

Tips and tricks by adamrysak





  1. Install the files according to the installation instructions on Google Drive.

  • If you want to play with DirectX11 graphical enhancement, download and place it into the "system" folder from:

  • 2. f you want to play with plugins such as time acceleration, fast looting, a new inventory, etc., install them through the Resource Manager - Union 1.0m.

  • Check the Union section on the website and choose the plugin you want, or install all of them directly.

Attention!! - After installing and turning on the game, you may have the stats window completely tiny and the text in it printed - this is how to solve this problem : Go to Gothic>system>gothic.ini>find the union_g15_size line and change the value to 1024x768 (as an example)

New crafting system 


Note: The plugin requires a version of the mod itself from 18.12.2023 or higher (Guilds 1.6 [Release 3] v.27.0)** (PLUGIN IS PART OF THE NEW INSTALLER)

New crafting system for Guilds 1.6. Created so far

- alchemy
- cooking on the stove, in the kettle and in pans.
- anvil
- crucible
- workbench
- grinding stone

The rest of the crafting will probably be implemented later. One feature of the plugin is that crafting can be invoked anywhere in information mode. You will be able to view recipes and ingredients, but no crafting buttons will be available. However, the crafting panel itself will only be available when interacting with the corresponding resource (alchemy table, cooker, ... ).

Gamepad control is not yet written, mouse control is already clear
Keyboard control
KEY_K - Invoke the crafting system in information mode anywhere in the world (can be set in gothic.ini).

Right Shift + KEY_K - Turn on/off the new crafting system. Useful if you need to do something the old fashioned way in dialogues, for example studying alchemist recipes in a minigame if you play with the studied recipes option. Only works for alchemy and stone cutting. Crafting cannot be disabled in other mobiners, there will always be a new crafting system available.

KEY_LBRACKET (left bracket [) - set half of the current value from the keyboard
KEY_RBRACKET (right bracket ]) - setting the maximum number of categories from the keyboard.
KEY_LEFT (left key) - moves the categories to the left.
KEY_RIGHT - scrolls categories to the right.
KEY_ESCAPE - close the system.
KEY_MINUS, KEY_EQUALS - browse available kraft systems in information mode (available outside kraft).
KEY_BACKSPACE - removes the last digit in the number of items.
Digits 0-9 will add a digit (as long as it does not exceed the maximum).
KEY_DOWN(Enter) - create items.

Video from crafting system


ATTENTION - This mod has Updates!

  • This page describes only the basic information about the modification, if you want to learn about the latest changes, click on the button below where you can find all the news and updates for this mod, since the existence of this mod on our site.


- Adam01 a Guilds Team

  Translate - F0rtuno

©2023-2025 by F0rtuno.

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