New and first modification for the game Drova - Forsaken Kin by the famous German Gothic modder neocromicon.
This simple and small modification adds a sprint to the game, which is activated with the L key.
Don't forget that in order for this mod to work, you need to install two more add-ons, namely Drova-Modding-API a MelonLoader - which will be pointed out on Nexus Mods itself, where the mod is available for download.
I leave some of the mods and texture packs that are on Nexus Mods there and just provide a click through button through my website. This is partly to give some respect to the creator, where on Nexus Mods he has some stats and awards for each mod. The second thing is that once the update happens, I don't have to deal with anything and reupload files over and over again like I do with New Balance, or Union plugins, etc.
Here is and will be the complete list of mods for the Drova game -
