Hello, I’ve decided that from now on, our website will also feature Drova - Forsaken Kin, including its mods, and we’ll be keeping track of developments around this game. Corresponding channels will also be added on Discord. Before we get into the presentation, information, and introduction to this game, I’d like to say a few words. Despite the name, I don’t want this website to be solely dedicated to Gothic; I also plan to later include a list of mods for the Risen and Elex game series. I want us to be a community and a place where we’ll have information about other games from Piranha Bytes, and perhaps also games similar to Gothic that we can enjoy together and play as a community.
Drova - Forsaken Kin is exactly that kind of game, inspired by Gothic (and Morrowind), and I think it will captivate a large part of the Gothic fanbase, as it already has.
It would also be great to create a small CZ/SK community and home base for this game, and I’m happy to take on that role.

Why will this game be here?
Before we get to the official presentation, which I will share and translate from Steam, I’d like to introduce and describe it in my own words:
Drova - Forsaken Kin was released on October 15, 2024, and since then, it has been discussed in our circles (the Gothic community) as a sort of incarnation of Gothic in 2D. I don’t think that’s an exaggeration at all; Drova has many elements that align with the Gothic games, which is why it often captivates and excites players from the Gothic community. Personally, the game completely fascinated me at first sight, and since this phenomenon is happening with many other players in our community, it makes sense to add this game here. Gradually, the website will feature a list of mods for this game, and we will keep track of updates and news.

What is Drova?
Drova - Forsaken Kin is a 2D open-world action RPG developed by the German team Just2D, which I read on their Discord consists of six people. This game is inspired by the grim dark classics of the genre and the mystical allure of Celtic mythology.
Although this game may seem like something you can finish in a few hours and is a smaller game for a short playtime, the opposite is true. According to the HowLongToBeat website, players complete the main story in an average of about 22 hours. When it comes to playing with side quests and completing everything, I've seen reported playtimes on Discord of 40-55 hours or more, so the game is indeed quite large.
The first modifications for Drova are also already being created, both by fans of the game and by the famous German Gothic modder neocromicon.

What does Drova have in common with Gothic?
A dark, grim, and harsh fantasy world
The hero is thrown into an unknown world at the beginning of the game, which the main character also discovers for the first time.
There are two factions to join, each with different goals, structures, backgrounds, stories, and motivations.
Leveling system, Learning Points, and learning from teachers for Learning Points.
Simple statistics similar to Gothic.
Talents like in Gothic - improving combat skills with various weapons.
A chapter system. There are also decisions that impact the story and the outcome of quests.
Merit and obtaining armor within the faction.
Exploration - exploring the landscape and collecting items is rewarding, just like in Gothic.
No question marks or minimaps with arrows leading you to quests.
Similar and interesting quests as in Gothic.
A character and player development system - at the beginning, the player is a complete novice until they improve both their character and their own playing skills, learning when to block and when to attack.
People also praise the amazing atmosphere and sound design of this game.
The game also features difficulty levels (Classic, Iron, and Hardcore), and combined with various builds and the two factions, there is quite good replayability.
Just look at the reviews on Steam, which are extremely positive. I really liked the game at first sight, I loved it and it just needs Czech language and Czech community.

Drova - Forsaken Kin in Czech?
YES! The game was originally sent to me and suggested as something I could look into and translate, and I must say that it’s a project I can't refuse and let it just sit there. As I mentioned above, the game really excited me, and I immediately got started on the translation. However, here’s a slightly sad piece of news for those looking forward to the Union Modpack for Gothic 3: it will be delayed a bit, as this is simply my priority right now. However, I plan to complete both by the holiday break before Christmas.

The game was released just under a month ago, and everything is still very fresh. I want to take this time to create a quality manual translation into Czech and also build a community around this game on our website/Discord. The timing is also right—winter is approaching, and the holidays and time off are coming up.
I personally don't like to play RPGs and games where there is a lot of text in English, because I'm quite lazy and I get into the story better in Czech and I believe more people do. So, I decided to translate this game into Czech—manually and with quality. Since I’m currently only working on the website, updates, and translations in my free time, everything is going relatively quickly. I expect the Czech translation to be ready by the end of the month. After that, the Beta tests will start, where I and a few other people from the community will play it, and at this stage all bugs and inaccuracies will be corrected and possibly some names will be added. I will then immediately release it on the website and on Steam Workshop, allowing players to enjoy the game in Czech. We will also create a channel on Discord where you can report any issues with the translation, and we can refine it together to reach a high-quality final version.
If the Czech translation turns out well, it could become the official Czech version of this game, which would contribute something significant from me and our community.

I have been working on the Czech translation since yesterday morning all day. You can see a few things I have already translated in the screenshots, and everything is working great, except for the special Czech characters (diacritics). I will address this issue with the game’s developers to ensure they display correctly. There are things that I will still think through and adjust, so some names are not final or complete.

I’ll take the opportunity to promote myself a little. If you would like to support me for everything I’m doing here regarding the website, translations, and other things, you can support me on my Patreon -
The money from Patreon goes to me as the owner of and the person who takes care of most things here. The funds from Patreon will always be primarily used to pay for the website - domain, hosting, and the overall operation of this project. In addition, the money will go toward my new computer/equipment and room setup so that I can eventually start streaming and contribute to this community in this way, fulfilling a bit of my small dream.
F0rtun's conclusion
Drova has now been added to the website in the "Other Games" section, where modifications for this game will be available, and there will also be a link to this article as a presentation of the game. At the same time, a corresponding section has already been created on Discord, and from now on, news about this game will also appear on Myrtana. I know that there may be people who are not interested in this game at all, and it might deter them from visiting the website because they won’t enjoy reading news and updates about it, but for me, this game is a great addition for Gothic fans. Let’s be honest... it’s my website, so I can do whatever I want here
. When translating, I will also stick to certain terminology from the Gothic game series for things that are similar and make sense to be translated similarly or identically.
So expect the Czech translation to be ready around the end of this month. (The Union Modpack for Gothic 3 will be ready within a week after the release of this Czech translation—everything will be done before the holiday break.)

Official presentation of Drova - Forsaken Kin from Steam:
"Drova - Forsaken Kin" is a pixel art Action-RPG inspired by the grim dark classics of the genre and the mystical allure of Celtic mythology. Dive into a handcrafted open world where your choices and actions shape the environment. A society has discovered the power of a dead empire: to capture the spirits that govern nature and rule over them instead. However, the anger of the remaining spirits divided them. Where will you stand?


Forge your own path around dangerous landscapes, fulfill tasks, trade, gather and craft equipment. You start with nothing and as a nobody. Study your environment, and use the surrounding clues to reveal mysteries and grow stronger. Only your flow of battle stands between you and certain death.

Join one of two factions, each with their own values and in pursuit of their own goals. Your choice will be relevant for the rest of the game and impact the entire story. Everything comes with a price. Meet teachers and learn numerous abilities, but expect foes and betrayals too.

Explore nature and seal the power of spirits that rule it. Learn how to use them in your favor, but be prepared to battle their channeled anger in the world surrounding you.
Free navigation in a dynamic hand crafted open world
Flow based combat system with different combos and weapons
Tailored story based on your actions and dialogues
Join one of two factions to survive in this world
Learn and master various abilities to create your own playstyle

Drova on Steamu -
Drova on Youtube -
Drova on Discordu -
Official web -
Drova section on Discord Myrtana and channel where to follow the status of Czech -
Drova here on the site where the mods will be -