Hi everyone, we have some news for you today, but first let's start with the new patch.
We've released patch version 1.0.5. Below you'll find a summary of all the changes.
We have also released a tool via Steam which allows you to create and share custom translations via the Steam Workshop. The tool is a separated download in Steam
Since the release of Drova we’ve been asked countless times if we’d go for a DLC. Let us be clear: We want to polish Drova a little longer now. Based on your feedback we’ve created a roadmap for the coming weeks and months which you’ll find below. We have planned three major Updates (next to regular patches) which will further improve the game. We’ve read all (!!) your feedback and evaluated what fits for the scope & vision of the game.
We’re also looking forward to your feedback! Having that said, we also met up with Deck13 and together we’ve decided to not start working on a paid DLC for Drova. We don’t want to come up with a half-assed cashgrab. Instead we’re making sure DROVA lives up to the expectations set by the Community and focus on the next step for our Studio and improve ourselves based on the feedback we got. Which means: Yes, we will focus on a new project afterwards.
Road Map

Changelog 1.0.5
Fixed Dead and Softlocks
Fix a bug where Harvey gets stuck between Jennifer and the door in the cave below Nemeton
Changed quest in bandit mine slightly where player is supposed to find mushrooms to avoid deadlocks
Fix bug where stolen package could not be given to Asmus in later chapters
Fix bug where a quest at Georgefarm could not be completed if Jurek went to Remnants Camp
Change journal entry for strange fossils to improve clarity on what to do
Improve brawl in the baptism of fire when playing gets knocked out
Add sfx to energy projectile during its flight
Lights not us bilinear filtering to avoid artifacts when scaling the sprites
Dialog with the raven vessel has been changed to have no portrait
Add some floor markings to improve clarity of a door in the ruins
Add journal entry to Talisman for Helma to improve clarity on what to do
Add journal entry for fishing quest in Nemeton to improve quest clarity
Rubin talisman can't be stacked anymore and removed one occurence in the world
Moved some fishing spots
Added new letters to our font to improve community translations
New bleeding stacks have reset the timer, resulting in reduced bleeding damage overall
Change sound volumes of voiceover in intro/outro
Improve a cutscene with Fulk and Aldo
Reduced chance of NPCs using abilities in combat depending on their level (lower level NPCs have lower chance)
Mog (arena) reduced health and damage by ~15%
Keep expedition group closer to each other to reduce risk of leaving a member behind
Reduce aggro range of bandit ambush in the moor
Friedel no longer borrows money if her list was stolen
Add quest reward when doing Lindons quest
Other Bugs
Fix a bug where spiders went invisible after rappelling
Fix bug where companions sometimes didn't give experience points
Fix bug where items disappeared from quickbar
Fix bug where weaker arrows equipped automatically when picking them up
Fix lots of typos
Fix bug where player position was wrong on maps when being in caves
Fix bug where Lorthiz didn't recognize that player already has ink
Fix bug where Bull's Eye talent had no effect with bows
Fix bug where bandits in front of mine stood up too quickly
Fix lots of placed where people and NPCs stuck at obstacles
Fix bug where cestus guaranteed critical strike with dagger special attack
Fix bug where bow could use melee spells like Wound etc.
Fix some render order problems with objects in the world
Fix bug where sword of Jendra could be looted multiple times
Fix bug where Gra could not be looted after brawl
Fix bug where Aldo decides to leave his cage to cheer in a brawl
Fixed bug where the injured Andarta stands up to threaten the player when drawing a weapon
Fix bug where bow attacks didn't consume wind talisman effect
Fix bug where focus catcher talisman didn't refresh when casting spells and wasn't applied when dodging
Fixed western Obelisk in the Morbid Moor not spawning enemies correctly
Fix bug where Dalin spawns back to captivity when entering the cave manually
Fix some abysses that had floating stalgtites inside them
Fix bug where alcohol in tavern in dialog with Josi had no effect
Fix bug where eating with the people in forest had no buff effect
Fix bug where an NPCs included in ambush with Emko could not be brawled afterwards
Fix bug where worms didn't trigger death animation properly
Fix bug where foxes were too covered by water
Fix Diemo AI when fighting him during the quest "Broken Trust"
Fix bug where Niala has wrong dialog after attack on woodcamp
Fix bug where loot of certain dead NPCs reset saving/loading
Fix Locke not teaching anymore after finishing his questline
Fix quest with bandits on bridge can be finished at Angus instead of Delani
Fix Bertine not being a companion during her questline, preventing exp sharing
Fix some building to allow stealing through walls
Fix multiple locations where objects/NPCs could not be interacted with properly with controller
Fix bug where Misty Step could be used to "enter" the center machine at the flesh enemies
Fix bug where arena could not be started after accepting a certain quest from Boris and owing Gera a favor
Fix a quest with Conor where he says the opposite of what the player has picked in dialog
Fix wrong dialog at Lore after before joining a faction
Fixed Throwing Knives and Poisoned Throwing Knives properly ignoring enemy armor
Fixed Leshen AI not progressing when they are stunned frequently
Fixed Stonefist AI not acting when player is in narrow environments/close to the wall