Hello @everyone, We hope you all had a good start into the new year and wish you a happy 2025. We have just released patch version 1.2.2. We have mainly fixed bugs in this version.
We have posted a new question in 📈dev-polls : We’d like to create new spells for the 1.3 Update. Do you have ideas for new spells you’d like to see in Drova? You can pitch us your spell-ideas or give us input for what kind of spells you’d like to see. We created this thread for your input and discussions. - https://discord.com/channels/779751611756707890/1304451179237081138
We didn't expect it but we already have a first winner of our Challenge 2 - Insane Hardcore. Congratulations to @Kramiel. We will write to you to clarify everything with you so that your statue can be put into Drova. One statue is still available for the No Hit Run! You could read all about it in 💪challenges.
We started working on patch 1.3 this week and are currently in a brainstorming phase. We are very much looking forward to the patch and hope that it will round off Drova.
__Patch 1.2.2__
Soft- and Deadlocks
* Fixed a bug where player could get stuck in dialog with Irmina after brawling her
* Fixed bug where player could avoid Asmus in the beginning
* Fixed dialog with Jendrik when chopping wood that caused the dialog to freeze
* Fixed a bug where cutscene with Jendra in the deep mine didn't trigger properly
* Fixed bug where Karotte has wrong dialog when expedition is about to start
* Fixed a bug where Cay stopped finding truffles
* Increased light area for certain Spark colors
* Increased space for map names
* Improved tooltip for food buffs
* Improved NPC behavior before the Nemeton arena fights start
* Improved jump behavior of hostile Froglets
* Improved aggro ranges/behavior on bandits
* Adjusted dialog when betting on arena fights to make it more clear when/how to bet
* Improved how NPCs in a group move to avoid pinning players in a corner
* Improved hit boxes on some bear attacks
* Improved hit boxes on some boar attacks
* Improved hit boxes on some harpy attacks
* Fixed Teigens crime behavior in chapter 1
* Fixed some bugs with destroyable spider eggs
* Fixed a sound bug when inspecting Aldos traces
* Fixed a bug with Kolinas equipment after the "Missing" quest
* Fixed a bug in the "Rats!" quest where a condition was triggered at the wrong place
* Fixed a bug on Primeval Forest Town statue puzzle where other items could be removed from inventory again
* Fixed a bug that caused Drivanius fight to not work properly
* Fixed Josi to not walking through walls sometimes
* Fixed brawl behavior with Kendrick in the weapon cave
* Fixed Jeans crime behaviors after expelled from Nemeton
* Fixed block direction on Leshen life steal attack
* Fixed Doros brawl behavior after she reaches the farm
* Fixed a bug with buff durations after saving/loading
* Fixed respecc potion to not cause animals to be lootable again
* Fixed an issue when giving 2000 coins to Boris for his vote
* Fixed a quest with Delani when progressing to later chapters
* Fixed quest with Lobo where player could return the quest multiple times
* Fixed Elgars position when chapter 4 begins
* Fixed Heniks location in journal after helping him in the moor
* Fixed a bug where Kilian doesn't get moved by the elevator
* Fixed a bug where arena announcements were wrong after loading a savegame
* Fixed a bug where NPC participants couldn't enter the arena
* Fixed lots of typos
* Fixed lots of obstacle colliders in the world
* Fixed freeze during then dialogue with jendrick when chopping wood with him
* Added some missing English and France
* Removed Unity splash screen when starting the game