Translated by ChatGPT
New installer:
The modpack now features its own user-friendly installer developed by X-Proxy. The new installer's functions include almost all options that were available in the old Mod-Starter. Additionally, numerous issues have been resolved:
Unicode issue resolved. Game strings will no longer be replaced by "???" characters.
Character limit issue in a single line resolved. Translation mods for Polish and Russian languages are no longer needed; mods can now be translated into any number of languages.
Mod limit issue resolved - the assembly now includes over 100 mods and can install them without errors.
Some new options:
Added the ability to create complex modifications that affect game resources and game code simultaneously
Added the ability to determine mod dependency and compatibility. When a user selects a mod from the list, all desired mods will be selected automatically and all incompatible mods will become unavailable
Added a developer mode that allows to perform unpacking/unpacking operations of mods in accelerated mode
It is possible to set some parameters of the ini file directly from the installer
Mods can now have multiple screenshots that can be browsed in the menu
To see the full list of options for the new starter, read the detailed manual.
New content:
Added the New Spells for NPCs and Balancing Changes modification, which brings global changes to the game balance and combat system.
Added UpdatePack_CombatFix modification to disable rage mode for animals from Update Pack 1.05.
Added the Monster Damage modification, which allows you to adjust monster damage against NPCs and orcs.
Added FontScale modification to fix scaling of in-game fonts.
Added Subtitles modification to extend the duration of unvoiced dialogue.
Added all mods by the author FyryNy:
Item Locator - the game displays icons of uncollected items.
ItemMap - in-game interactive map that shows the location of the most important objects.
FloatingDamage - the game shows numbers of damage dealt.
StatBarValues - health, mana and stamina levels are shown by numbers on the game interface.
QuickLoot - adjustable quick loot.
TeleportPartyMembers - companions teleport behind the hero.
TimeMultiplier - time acceleration using keyboard shortcuts.
Refresh Trade Generated - trade inventories are refreshed weekly.
Extended Frying - more raw meat can be roasted on the fire.
Chszonszcze - ability to squash bugs and other small animals with your feet.
G3Fixes - various gameplay tweaks such as the ability to turn off animal respawn, granting statuses (freezing, burning) with magic weapons, companions that attack enemies themselves, and much more.
Added the Animals Hardcore Mod, which speeds up monster power attacks.
Added the Retextured Final mod - a global texture pack.
Knight Chronicle:
New visuals for knights and paladins.
Fixed a bug where the Wandering Knight was giving the Sorcerer's staff instead of the 5th plan (Crown of the Northern Dragon).
Fixed a bug that made it impossible to create deadly poison arrows.
Added English and German translations.
Intuitive Combat System:
Fixed a bug that caused the hero's hand to disappear during animations of one-handed weapon strikes. (On Vulkan graphics cards, the hero's hand would extend.)
Fixed bugs with inadequate reaction of units with one-handed weapons to stabbing strikes.
Increased bounce speed and distance from Update Pack.
Minor adjustments to rod and halberd animations.
Other changes:
Added all available translations into German, English and Polish.
Now the build is multilingual. When switching to another language, mod descriptions will change automatically.
Bug fixes (1.3.1 fix):
Fixed critical bug in Knight Chronicle mod
Fixed incorrect text display in Smelting Mod
World Texture Mix modification updated to final version 2.0
Fixed Immersive World mod implementation
Reduced quality and size of some video rolls in the patch collection
Removed redundant elements from patch collection, added text instructions
Union Modpack on the web here -
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