Yes, someone has finally taken on the task. A group called Nyras Enjoyers has started working on Nyras Prolog Demake, a port of the Nyras Prologue demo to the engine on which the original Gothic 1 was created. The modification is set to include the same dialogues and voice acting, all with the approval of THQ Nordic.
Today, an announcement was released, showcasing the menu and a conversation with one of the characters from the demo version, all fully voiced. If your graphics card did not allow you to run the original demo, you will now be able to play it on an engine compatible with a wide range of hardware configurations and operating systems.
The modification will feature the same story and voice acting. The entire location will be faithfully recreated – Exchange Square and the Abandoned Mine are currently in the process of being reworked. Almost all objects will come from the original Gothic 1, ensuring the preservation of the original aesthetic. As you may have heard, the music will be taken from the 2001 version.
Nyras Prolog Demake will be available on Steam Workshop and ModDB in all language versions in which Nyras Prologue was originally released (subtitles + voice acting). Depending on community interest and available resources, additional language versions may be added, thanks to the generosity of other Gothic community members.
The article has been translated from our Polish brothers at GothicUp – source here: