Added a button to the website where you can find the Spacer NET world editor for Gothic 1 and 2 and the Gothic modding toolkit -ástroje-pro-modování
Spacer. NET Updates:
Version 1.12
- The location error message can now be saved to a text file.
- Fixed an issue where the current effect was not selected when opening the particle editor.
- SpacerNET splash screen has been reduced to a smaller size.
- Vob names in SPELLFX_ format are no longer reported as errors in the report.
- 3D models (new and missing) have been added for help.
Thanks to D36 and LevLion
- Minor bug report window fixes
- Mouse wheel now works for Gothic 1 (for fast camera movement)
- MobInter vobes now show slots where the hero can interact with them. This is useful to know where a vob is in an interaction location, such as an ore vein or chest. This can be turned off by setting bShowMobInterSlots = 0 in the spacer_net.ini file.
Version 1.14
- Added a new keyboard shortcut: SHIFT+Z (can be set), which allows to place the oscillation in the center of the parent oscillation. Convenient if you need to place the embedded vob in the center."
- Minor bug fixes
- Added support for loading ZEN if the file is a symbolic link
- When changing the triggerTarget, the Triggers window is now updated and the visual line showing the trigger is also updated
- Trigger lines to target and source are now drawn across walls
- A new warning has been added to the error search window if the vob name matches its visual