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Gothic 2: Saga of Destiny - Information




Saga of Destiny - Polish series of 5 modifications of Gothic II: Night of the Raven released from 2016 to June 2020. They tell the story of the adventures of the Nameless One. This whole section will be dedicated regarding this saga. The mods (channels) will be arranged underneath chronologically from the first episode to the last one and I will upload them all here one by one, and for each one there will be classic information, some screenshots - in short, as with all mods here.

Origin of the mod

The idea for the whole anthology came from the translation of the Russian Global Mod into Polish, which combined many different modifications. The Destiny Team, then still operating as Team Spolszczenia, laid the groundwork for their future project Destiny Saga by adding quests, plots and characters from several Russian mods to the translated Global Mod. After the release of the Polish version of Global Mod in 2014, work began on the group's first original project, Destiny, which was released two years later - in April 2016.

Plot outline of the whole series

The plot of the saga is strongly based on the plot of Global Mod. However, there were some changes and plot extensions that are only visible in the second and third volumes of the anthology, which were already purely the work of the author. The main thread throughout the saga is the origin and titular fate of the Nameless One. The protagonist is a descendant of an ancient people called the Exiles, who themselves were created by the long-dead fourth god, Valkyrie. Contained around the origin of the Nameless One is the answer to the question of why he is the chosen of the gods and the greatest hero of his time. At the same time, he is afflicted with a kind of curse, which manifests itself in the fact that Adanos himself has complete power over him and directs his actions, and any attempt to escape ends with the intervention of the god of balance, who forcibly returns the hero to the scene. Coincidentally, along with the adventures of the Nameless One, the finale of the War of the Gods takes place and, as a result, the previously unknown anomaly: A time in which the past and the future have become one, the physical world merging with the demon world, the unexplained resurrection of the dead (the ancient paladins) and the revival of entire extinct nations (the Jharkendarians or Giants), and even the doubling of the person of the Nameless One and his crew, whereby his adventures can take place in several timelines simultaneously. The island of Khorinis becomes the place where the fate of the entire world is finally decided.



The composition of the saga in chronological order from the first volume to the last:





g2-ashes of ashes

New Worlds


The saga adds two new worlds:

Valley of the Ancestors - a new land located on the island of Khorinis between the Mining Valley and Jharkendar.

Island of Adanos - only appears in the Realm of Ashes and is a rocky island where the hero must find a portal to Jharkendar. According to Vatras, the island is ruled by Adanos himself, and he forcibly brought the hero's ship there.

New factions and parties:

The saga brings many new forces into the world. Some old unplayable guilds have become playable (e.g. water mages). However, depending on the section of the anthology, they undergo some changes; some decline and their members start new factions. The following list is in chronological order. The main guilds a hero can join within the events of Destiny:

Water Mages - the hero can join them at the intercession of Vatras;

The Dark Order - a guild of dark knights and wizards who guard the balance of the world while trying to warm the image of Beliar as one of the necessary forces in the metaphysical world. Over time, however, after the betrayal of one of its founders, the Order becomes a scourge and a tool in the service of the forces of evil.

The Hunter's Association - a faction of hunters based in the Valley of the Ancestors. They are the best hunters in the world, who chose the ancient valley because it is inhabited by the most dangerous animals.

Side guilds:

  • Royal Scouts - a group of five of the King's best scouts who assist the Paladins in their operations. The hero can join them if he completes the required tasks for their members.

  • Black Hawks - a street gang from the port district of Khorinis. They are engaged in ransom collection, mud grass trade, custom busting and various robberies. Eventually they are driven out of Khorinis. Their competition is the thieves' guild.

  • Undead Hunters - a group of people dedicated to hunting and killing dangerous creatures from the world of Beliara. They are a secret organization, and the protagonist unknowingly joins them when he gets his hands on the robes and bow of one of the hunters. With these items, he is approached by one of the hunters and informed of the details.

  • Master Tireon's Merchant's Guild - A group of merchants who came from the continent to Khorinis not long before the events of Gothic II. Unfortunately, their ship was stolen and their goods were lost. The hero can join the merchants when he finds the goods, recovers them, and helps the merchants start their businesses in their respective locations.

Minor factions that cannot be joined

  • Royal Guard - along with the Knecht, a detachment of the Royal Guard arrived at Khorinis. They and the paladins are staying in the castle. One of them is guarding the magistrate's house.

  • United Camp - prisoners from behind the barrier who did not follow Raven and stayed in the Mining Valley. The group is led by Arto and includes representatives of all the former camps.

  • Netbek's Men - These are former members of the Brotherhood of the Sleeper who were not possessed by the power of the tree god, who was contacted by Baal Netbek during the Gothic event. The hermit took about a dozen people to the shifter monastery and set up a safe camp for anyone who wanted to retreat there.

  • Ancient Cult - A sect founded at the initiative of one of the ancient gods who wanted to bring destruction to the world. Members of the sect were both ordinary people and adepts, mages and grandmasters of dark magic.

  • Orc Mercenaries - a group of mercenaries founded at the initiative of Thorus, who worked for the Orcs in the Mining Valley to protect the mines of magical ore. The last employer of Thorus and his men was Tum-Arh.

  • The Order of the Skull - an extremely dangerous faction of the Dark Order that took a liking to human sacrifice. Only appears in The Awakening, where the protagonist becomes involved in a game for the life of one of the Dark Order's recruits. If he loses, the novice is sacrificed to Belar.

  • Orc Slaves - Taking a page from Gothic 3, these are the diggers that Tum-Arh forces to work in the ore mines. With his death, slavery collapses and the diggers leave the mines or are hired as skilled miners.

  • Araxos Merchants Guild - A group of overseas merchants who came to the Mining Valley with the Mining Company.

  • Mining Company - Based on the island of Khorus, a professional, reputable company involved in a wide range of mining activities. They are involved in mining anything of value and discovering new minerals. They have come to Khorinis to resume the mining of magical ore, gold, sulphur and new minerals discovered in Jharkendar and the Valley of the Ancestors.

  • Mining Company Mercenaries - These are freelancers employed by the mining company, they are miners and bodyguards.

  • Nordmarans - warriors who came to the Mining Valley following in the footsteps of Tum-Arha. They want to kill him.

  • Ashgan's men - some former convicts who stayed in the United Camp after Arto moved to the castle during the events of the Awakening.

  • Druids and Borderlanders - as in Gothic 3, they have come to the Miner's Valley to help the hero restore balance.

  • Clan Ur-Shak - A clan of orcs led by Ur-Shak that resides in the former orc city.

  • Lizard Clan - A lizard clan that is not hostile to the hero and resides in the former Feomathara volcano.

  • Order of Salvation - A mysterious, previously unknown group of monks who value balance in the universe. They seek to explain the confusion of the times and find a way to send the dead back to the afterlife.

  • The Court - These are courtiers and people who work for the Red Baron who inhabits the mountain fortress. In the fortress, the long dead inhabitants have suddenly come back to life in the form of zombies. The hero must help exterminate the dead and help the courtiers return to their mansion.

  • Pilgrims - A group of eccentrics who have dressed in penitential sacks to make a pilgrimage to the Mining Valley amidst the fighting with Tum-Arha's troops.

  • Royal Foresters - Bribed royal officials who, in exchange for money from the Araxos Guild, agreed to give them the right to log the entire forest in the Valley of the Ancestors.

  • The Renegades - a group of bandits led by Robin and Brother Tuck. They ambush people in the Ancestral Valley forest and sabotage the foresters.

  • Dragonslayers - after the events of Fate, this guild has been extinguished, the only representatives being Godar and Hokurn. Although the guild no longer exists, these two still proudly call themselves the Dragonslayers, convinced that the dragons have not been completely slain and will surely appear in the valley soon, and then only they can save it.

  • Lee's Mercenaries - After the events of Destiny, the guild ceased to exist and its former members continue to make a living as mercenaries.

  • Araxos Mercenaries - a mysterious group of warriors working for the benefit of the Araxos Guild.

  • Artifact Seekers - a group of archaeologists working in the Valley of the Ancestors. They search for valuable relics from the culture of the giants and builders.

  • Mercenaries of the Golden Blade - work to protect the work of archaeologists on excavations. They appear in the Awakening and Roots of Evil mods.

  • Builders - Jharkendarians return to their world not long after the events of Awakening. They are hostile to humans and only some of them want peace.

Lore - Story


The Fate Saga greatly expands the world of Gothic, many ideas have been taken from other modifications and efforts have been made to combine them. The world presented is as consistent as possible with the events that follow in Gothic 3. The world map has been expanded to include named locations, countries and states, as well as the regions mentioned. Mention should be made, for example:

Eastern Archipelago - consisting of the five islands of Khor

Landscapes of Kyrus

Etain along with the entire kingdom drawn in the Diccuric modification

Skull Island;

The unknown or unnamed region from which the Order of Salvation originated

Far South;

Unnamed regions occupied by the Dark Order.

Gothic 2: The Destiny Saga 1 - Destiny 

Version: 1.6 - Modification type: major improvement

Mod Information

Fate - is a Polish modification of the game Gothic II: Night of the Raven created based on the Global Mod by Destiny Team. The modification expands the basic storyline of the game.
Mod Type - Expansion of the original
Platform - Gothic 2 Night of the Raven
Author - Destiny Team
Language - Polish (original)
Length - Around 200 hours
Difficulty - Hard
Premiere - 2016
Current Version - 1.6

History of the mod


Originally, the project was supposed to focus on further improving and adding details to the Global Mod and was called Global Mod Revisited, later Global More! After two months, the project evolved into Fate.

 Description of modification

The modification brings a total of 400 completely new tasks. Including those from the base game Gothic II: Night of the Raven, there will be 600 of them. The modification adds many new storylines, characters, and several new guilds. It also removes most of the logical and narrative errors and mistakes from the Global Mod. It also changes almost everything that the above-mentioned modification added.

New locations

  • Valley of the Ancestors - a world that doesn't differ too much from the world in the Global Mod, but is much better optimized, so extreme visibility reduction is no longer necessary. Among other things, you can visit the Towers of the Ancient Cult, the Hunter's Camp, or the Necromancer's Tower there.

  • Abandoned Mine - an abandoned mine at the pass leading to Khorinis. We can find plenty of gold and sneaky discoveries in it. It leads all the way to the Miner's Valley, and the second exit is in the Valley of the Ancestors.

  • Old Mine - we'll find out that only the main entrance collapsed, and there is another entrance option.

  • Free Mine - located in a dangerous area near the ice dragon.

  • Orc Cemetery - many orcs are in the vicinity, and we'll also encounter undead here.

  • Temple of the Sleeper - the whole somewhat mysterious thread of the story is tied to it.

  • Many smaller locations have also been added to the Miner's Valley, such as the Troll Canyon, the Brotherhood Camp, and the area beyond the palisade. The island of Khorinis, Jharkendar, and the Irdorath Estate have also been restored.

New guilds


Main guilds:

  • Water novice → Water mage

  • Hunter → Orc hunter

  • Dark adept → Dark warrior / Dark mage

Secondary guilds:

  • Black hawks

  • Royal scouts

  • Undead hunters

  • Merchants' guild

Additionally, all guilds from the base game have been developed. The Water Circle and Thieves' Guild have been expanded the most. Furthermore, players will visit two camps: the United Camp and the Forest Camp. Both are located in the Mining Valley.

New characters and monsters:

  • You can encounter approximately 750 named characters with their own dialogues. In the modification, there is no named person unrelated to any task. We have tried to adapt the armor and clothing of each character. Many creatures have been added in one of the new storylines and several other quests. Additionally, some existing monsters have been modified.

Download modification

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"Osud" is a modification that is highly sensitive to the use of the console, as its usage can lead to irreversible errors and damage to records. Hardware requirements are slightly higher than those for G2NK, with recommended RAM memory being 3 GB. With weaker hardware, scripting errors may occur, such as character disappearance, unread inserts, etc. It is recommended to run the game on multiple saves (avoid overusing savegame1) and save the end of the game on an additional selected slot. All scripted actions should be performed according to the course of the quest - for example, the command "Follow me" should be interpreted accordingly. "Osud" is a completely different game from Global Mod and differs in scripting actions from G2NK in many places! Routinely skipping the function of describing frequently visited NPCs can lead to the loss of many quests and storylines! Frequently reported issues: Character disappearance - very important! Character disappearance in the game is caused by damaged saves, with console usage sometimes being the main cause, sometimes just a catalyst, and sometimes not a cause at all. It is necessary to frequently save the game on multiple slots, and in case of character disappearance, revert to a previous save, and the problem often disappears, as practice by players on the forum shows. This phenomenon mainly concerns operating systems Win7 and 8. In exceptional cases, we will provide codes for character disappearance. There are many causes of save file damage - as known by programmers, modders, and experienced testers.



 - Install Gothic 2.

- Download Union Resource manager and install Resource Patch + Union (Pictures bellow)


- Download and paste the Destiny mod into your Gothic folder.

- If you want to play with the Directx11 graphics enhancement, download and paste into the system folder -

- If you want to play with plugins such as time acceleration, fast picking, new inventory etc.. check the Union section and find the plugins you like, download them and put them in the Data folder.

Union and plugins section here -


 Destiny team

Translated from the original Polish version

    Translation by F0rtuno

Gothic 2: The Destiny Saga 2 - Destiny Epilogue

Version: 1.1 - Modification type: new story

Mod Information

"Osud - Epilog" is a modification closely related to the first installment - "Osud," in which the player receives many answers to the questions posed in it, learns about the further fate of the heroes inhabiting Khorinis, and the terrible consequences of their stay on the island of Irdorath. It is the story of the Nameless Hero, whom Fate has thrown on the Path of Darkness - a fact exploited by Apogeon, while Beliar cruelly laughed at him. "Epilog" utilizes resources from the "Osud" mod but also includes a range of innovative scripting solutions and a highly dynamic and engaging storyline. Players who have not completed "Osud" in the Dark Brotherhood guild should also find enriching gameplay. There are 50 tasks to be completed, and completing one of them leads to obtaining another bonus task. The modification provides gameplay for 40 hours.

Download modification

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 - Install Gothic 2.

- Download Union Resource manager and install Resource Patch + Union (Pictures bellow)


- Download and paste the mod Destiny Epilogue into your Gothic folder.

- If you want to play with the Directx11 graphics enhancement, download and paste into the system folder -

- If you want to play with plugins such as time acceleration, fast picking, new inventory etc.. check the Union section and find the plugins you like, download them and put them in the Data folder.

Union and plugins section here -


- Destiny Team

Translated from the Polish original   

Translation by F0rtuno

Gothic 2: The Destiny Saga 3 - Awakening

Version: 1.1.2 - Modification type: new story

Mod Information

Above the Mining Valley looms great danger. Skretnik drakars unexpectedly sailed to its shores, and the island was flooded by hostile orc clans from Nordmar, who did not bother to abide by the agreement between Ur-Kosh and Lord Hagen. Tum-Arh, the power-hungry highest shaman of the Council of Five Clans, intends to execute his plan by opening the Sleeper's temple and utilizing the vast reserves of "Sleeper's" energy... How it will turn out - Ur-Shak knows well, standing guard with a handful of orcs. And when it's only a matter of time before the Seal of Silence is broken, he decides to bring in "The Man with the Quiet Voice" and his friends to help. The orcish teleportation magic, which is not entirely safe, brings the Nameless to the Mining Valley. And the situation is indeed dire... Arto is still at the castle with his men, and his relationship with Asghan is very tense. The arrival of Thorus at the head of a band of orc mercenaries will only complicate matters. The delivery of ore to the continent awakened the desire for easy gain... Representatives of the Mining Company and the Overseas Guild of Araxos unexpectedly appear in the Mining Valley. A ruthless struggle for influence, gold, and mines begins. All of this will be observed by the paladins led by Ingmar, who has not yet fully accepted Lord Hagen's decision. Nordmar orcs, hungry for loot and slaves, seek to seize all the wealth of the Mining Valley by violence and plunder. They are strong, but they are pursued into the valley by Nordmarians led by Askvid, who have only one goal - revenge, which they swore after the destruction of their home village. In the Mining Valley, black mages from the New Black Order, known as the Order of the Skull, also appear. They are conducting a search for a certain artifact associated with Xardas. On their trail sets the Order of Salvation, a mysterious organization of mages from the continent. The Nameless will have his hands full - traversing the war-torn, monster-ridden, and otherwise dangerous land of the Mining Valley to fulfill his Destiny once again.

The modification utilizes resources from Destiny and Epilog, as well as many new elements (including armor) from the world of Gothic.

The modification uses resources from Destiny and Epilog, as well as many new elements (e.g., armor) from WOG.

Story time - right after the end of the story in "Destiny - Epilog".

Approximately 160 NPCs (humans and named orcs).

Gameplay time - 50/60h.

60 quests.


Mining Valley

Free Mine

Forgotten Mine

Orc Cemetery

Factions and groups present here:

Arto's people

Asghan's people

Orc Order led by Thorus

Order of Salvation (mages)


Marauders and refugees

Orc raiders


Mining Company

Dragon Slayers

Rudobaron's men

Castle Guild of Araxos

Order of the Skull

Lizard Clan

Netbek Faction


Download modification

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 - Install Gothic 2.

- Download Union Resource manager and install Resource Patch + Union (Pictures bellow)


- Download and paste the Awakening mod into your Gothic folder.

- If you want to play with Directx11 graphics enhancement download and paste into the system folder -

- If you want to play with plugins such as time acceleration, fast picking, new inventory etc.. check the Union section and find the plugins you like, download them and put them in the Data folder.

Union and plugins section here -


- Destiny Team

Translated from the Polish original

    Translation by F0rtuno

Gothic 2: Saga of Destiny 4 - Roots of Evil

Version: 1.1 - Modification type: new story

Mod Information

"Roots of Evil" is another installment of the Saga of Destiny game series, continuing the adventures of the Nameless Hero, this time in the Valley of the Ancestors. In the Valley, a mysterious artifact appears, disrupting the space-time continuum, and the Nameless Hero suddenly finds himself at the entrance to the Valley while still remaining on "Esmeralda." This time, he must deal not only with the problems that the artifact and its mysterious owners create for the entire island but also fight for the integrity of his own person. Magical matters of the universe intertwine with the daily life of the Valley and its inhabitants, and the Nameless Hero will have to help them, risking his life in matters simple and complex, mysterious and gloomy, and sometimes even cheerful. He will have to face not only his enemies but even those he previously considered his allies. We will meet plenty of beautiful girls, joy and sorrow will not be missing, there will be breathtaking plot twists and contemplation on the essence of the world. As usual, there will be no shortage of a good dose of humor and masterful dialogues and etc. in our usual style. We will see many familiar faces from previous installments, but we will also encounter many new, multi-dimensional characters.

We will even meet those we thought we would never meet again... New weapons, armor, and clothing will be available, as well as new spells and new enemies and monsters that have never appeared in the game before, as well as locations depicted from a completely new perspective. The player will once again be glued to the monitor for at least 40 hours and will complete 35 quests plus special and bonus tasks.

In addition to the hunting camp, the player will encounter the following groups:

  • Assembly in the Tower of the Old Man.

  • New band

  • Settlers in the visitors' camp

  • Royal foresters

  • Robin and his friends

  • Night hunters

  • Farmers

  • Artifact seekers

  • The Unbroken

  • and other factions, as well as many NPCs, including those you have always enjoyed meeting in our performances.

Download modification

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 - Install Gothic 2.

- Download Union Resource manager and install Resource Patch + Union (Pictures bellow)


- Download and insert the Roots of Evil mod into your Gothic folder.

- Download and insert the Roots of Evil mod into the game.

- If you want to play with the Directx11 graphics enhancement, download and paste into the system folder -

- If you want to play with plugins such as time acceleration, fast picking, new inventory etc.. check the Union section and find the plugins you like, download them and put them in the Data folder.

Union and plugins section here -


- Destiny Team

Translated from the Polish original   

Translation by F0rtuno

Gothic 2: Saga of Destiny 5 - Realm of Ashes

Version: 1.1 - Modification type: new story

Mod Information

The last meeting with Saturas in the temple left the Nameless Hero in great uncertainty. Although he returned to his friends whole and healthy, fragments of the conversation still lingered in his mind: "You can't solve all the world's problems." When Esmeralda, driven by superhuman power, arrives at the dock of the mysterious island, the mage's words echo: "YOUR destiny still remains unfulfilled..." now sounding like an ominous sign. As the teleportation system transports our hero to Jharkendar, everything seems to be part of a cunning plan that inevitably leads to a final reckoning. The modification is the concluding part of the "Fate Saga," where we learn about the Nameless Hero's fate shortly after the events in "Roots of Evil" and before setting sail for the Continent on the "Esmeralda." In the "Realm of Ashes," players will find themselves in a familiar yet tense environment, amidst preparations for a war where neither side will emerge victorious... There will be plenty of maneuvering, combat tactics, but also exploration or detective tasks. Many previously unresolved cases will be brought to a conclusion. The mod utilizes resources from previous installments of the "Saga" and the work and creativity available on WOG, introducing some original elements from Erwin.

In the game, we will encounter camps and factions:

Crusade of the People

Mining Company

Water Mages - Circle of Water

Fire Mages

Arto's Camp



Dark Order

Order of Salvation

Undead Hunters

And other NPCs.

Download modification

Download Czech



 - Install Gothic 2.

- Download Union Resource manager and install Resource Patch + Union (Pictures bellow)


- Download and paste the mod Empire of Ashes into your Gothic folder.

- If you want to play with the Directx11 graphics upgrade download and paste into the system folder -

- If you want to play with plugins such as time acceleration, fast picking, new inventory etc.. check the Union section and find the plugins you like, download them and put them in the Data folder.

Union and plugins section here -


- Destiny Team

Translated from the Polish original   

Translation by F0rtuno

©2023-2025 by F0rtuno.

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