Gothic 2: Life of the Pirates
Modification Type - New Story
Mod Localization:

Story by
Young Rhen had just witnessed a group of convicts sail off with the only boat in the harbor and it didn't look like they were ever going to return. It's clear to him that the town and the entire island is being driven to ruin. All the work has also sailed away with the one boat and his family is living in harder and harder poverty. A few days later he visits the old magician and alchemist Ignaz with a heavy heart. He discovers that pirates are camped at the other end of the island. Joining them seems like the only way to avoid poverty and impending damnation while fulfilling his dream of being a sailor. He asks Ignaz if he could write a teleportation scroll for him to the pirate camp. Since the old magician has known him since childhood, he cannot refuse his request. He uses all his art to determine the location of the camp. After a few weeks, he actually manages to complete the scroll, making it time for Rhen to leave his hometown. The adventure is just beginning...
Mod description
The plot of the Life of Pirates modification starts a few weeks after the original game. It offers a completely new plot, which includes references to the adventures of a nameless hero, but is otherwise completely independent. The player is faced with the story of a young man named Rhen, who must first earn his place in Greg's band before living the wild life of a pirate.
The life of a pirate offers
three chapters packed with challenges that offer more than 15 hours of gameplay.
A new monster renewal system that constantly fills the world with new monsters depending on the player's level
two new worlds in addition to Jharkendar
a complete dub with 17 speakers and a total length of two and a half hours
a selectable monster difficulty level that can be changed at any time
a reunion with Greg and his crew, but also with new, interesting characters
Skill points
The Skill Point cost has been completely redesigned compared to the Night of the Raven dataset. Increasing Strength or Dexterity always costs one skill point per improvement, regardless of the amount of the skill. The same applies to combat skills (one-handed, two-handed, bows, crossbows), and you learn them independently (you don't have to increase one-handed and two-handed at the same time, for example). Hunting skills are at a premium - only 10 skill points for all skills. However, you should quickly train to a solid level in one combat skill, as you rarely advance to a new level and so skill points are not given away.
There are no factions in the game, so you can learn magic at will. The teachers are Myxir and Isgaroth and they can teach you the first two circles of Water and Fire magic. It is of course clear who teaches which branch. They are different circles of magic, so if you learn the first circle of Water magic, for example, Isgaroth will still teach you the first circle of Fire magic. For independent runes that can be found in the world, the higher of the circles applies. In addition, both mages require 20 mana to learn the first circle, and 40 for the second. You must also learn the rune table handling once (for 5 DB for Myxir or Isgaroth). The runes you can learn can be found in the teachers section.
Important NPCs
In the Life of Pirates modification you can attack and beat anyone unconscious. There are no invulnerable characters. To avoid unresolvable situations, story-relevant people cannot be killed. Instead, they will fall into a coma from which they will regain consciousness after a few seconds. You can't rob them in the comatose state (due to engine limitations), you can only do that in the unconscious state.
Optional difficulty
There are a total of five difficulty levels. Depending on the chosen level, the hit points, hit chance, attributes and armor values of all monsters change (either up or down) from the original Night of the Raven dataset values. The original difficulty from the dataset is below level 4 - i.e. "difficult". You choose the difficulty at the beginning of the game after talking to Greg, and you can change it at any time.
Difficulty levels are (in order as in the interview with Greg):
VERY easy - "When I see a bug, I put my feet up"
Light - "I prefer to stay in the second row in a fight."
Medium - "If they don't come in a group, I'm fine"
"I eat a pack of razor bugs every morning."
VERY hard - "I'll take down a dragon with my bare hands"
Monster Recovery System
The new monster regeneration system works by regularly spawning new monsters where you've killed them (this prevents the world from suddenly filling up with beasts). This regeneration is permanent, not just at the beginning of a chapter as in the original game. The strength of the newly discovered monsters depends on your level. Of course, it can't happen that a monster appears near the hero, so you don't have to worry about a beast attacking you from behind out of nowhere.
New weapons
You can buy new weapons from Garett, whose arsenal increases at the same time as the value of your Strength or Dexterity.
CZECH - installing the mod
"The pirate life is originally a German modification called Piratenleben. Gothicz.net has translated it into Czech for you so you can enjoy one of the best mods for Gothic. This modification can only be installed on the German version of the 2.6 expansion. Most of you probably have the English version 2.7. Instructions for transitioning from version 2.7 to version 2.6 can be found on the forum here: https://forum.gothicz.net/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=108. (We recommend reserving a special installation of Gothic 2: The Night of Raven specifically for modifications.) Then follow these steps:
Download the installation archive piratenlebenCZ.zip [38 MB].
Extract and run the included setup file Setup.exe.
During installation, choose the folder where you have your modified Gothic 2:NotR version 2.6 installed.
If you want to have German voice-over in the game (even if you don't understand it, it will significantly enhance the game), download the archive piratenlebenCZ.zip [87 MB].
Extract it. You will find a file named plspeech.mod. Copy it to the /Data/modvdf/ directory in your Gothic 2:NotR installation.
Launch the mod through the program GothicStarter.exe from the game directory /System.
Taken from Gothicz.net, source and download here - https://www.gothicz.net/mod/zivot-piratu/"